The ninth annual convention of the Federation of Graduate Clubs of America was held in Fay House, Radcliffe College, on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 29 and 30. Delegates were present from the graduate clubs of Yale. Bryn Mawr, University of Iowa, Wellesley, University of Pennsylvania, University of Missouri, Radcliffe and Harvard. In the forenoon of the first day of the convention an address of welcome was delivered by the president of Radcliffe, Professor Le Baron R. Briggs. Following this the annual reports of the president, secretary, treasurer, and executive committee of the Federation were given. At the afternoon session, Miss Martha T. Fiske of Radcliffe, the recording secretary of the Federation, read a paper on, "What the Federation Has Accomplished Since its Foundation." In the evening the delegates were given a reception in the parlors of the Phillips Brooks House by the Radcliffe Graduate Club.
On Wednesday, the morning session was devoted to reports from delegates as to the opinions of officers of universities, colleges, and the graduate clubs regarding the future of the Federation. At the afternoon meeting, owing to administrative difficulties, it was decided to disband the Federation organization, and to take its place a new organization to be known as, "The American Association of Graduate Students," was formed, with the same general purpose as that of the old organization, namely, the promotion of graduate study in America. The following temporary officers of the new association were elected: President, H. N. Davis 2G., of Harvard; secretary, Miss Martha T. Fiske, of Radcliffe; treasurer, Miss C. B. Parker of Radcliffe.
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