
Lectures by Dr. Petrunkevitch.

Under the auspices of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dr. A. Petrunkevitch will give a course of lectures during the second half-year on "General Cytology." The course will meet twice a week, in Room 1, fourth floor, of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The first meeting will take place on Monday, February 15, at 4.30 o'clock, when days and hours for the remainder of the course will be determined upon to suit the convenience of those who wish to attend.

The course is intended for those who desire to become acquainted with the structure and functions of the cell, especially of the germ cell, and it will deal with some of the leading questions of modern biology. Practical demonstrations of microscopical preparations will illustrate the lectures.

A fee of five dollars will be charged for the course, but it cannot be counted towards a degree.
