The fourth annual indoor relay meet of the Columbia University Athletic Association will be held in Madison Square Garden, New York City, next Saturday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Although the University track team will not compete officially in these games, permission has been granted by the Athletic Committee to send eight men to take part in the meet.
Besides a two-mile dual relay between Harvard and Yale, in which each university will be represented by a team of four men, each man running 880 yards, there will be a one-mile intercollegiate relay race. In this event each college will enter a team of four men, each man to run 440 yards. The University team which will compete with Yale at this meet, has not yet been definitely selected. Any men who did not take part in the trials yesterday, may do so this afternoon after handing in their names to Mr. Graham at the Gymnasium. In addition to the men on the relay team, the other men who will represent the University, and the events in which they will take part, are as follows: pole-vault --A. Robeson '04; putting 16-pound shot --H. LeMoyne '07; dashes--E. C. Rust 1L., and W. A. Schick '05.
Several interscholastic events are scheduled, in addition to interclass and interschool relays of Columbia University. The open events are as follows: 60-yard dash, handicap; 600-yard dash, handicap; one-mile run, handicap; high jump, handicap, limit of 6 inches; putting 16-pound shot, handicap, limit of 6 feet; pole-vault, handicap, limit of 10 inches. Two Amateur Athletic Union championship races, a 60-yard dash and two-mile run, are also scheduled.
Regular A. A. U. championship medals will be given in championship events, and solid gold, silver and bronze medals for first, second and third places in all handicap events, and in relays where three or more teams are entered. Solid gold medals will be given to winners in relays where there are two entries. A board track of ten laps to the mile will be used.
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The February Monthly.