
Plans for Camera Club Exhibitions.

The Camera Club will hold its annual public exhibition of photographs during the first week of March, probably in the Museum Room of Robinson Hall. Prizes of steins will be awarded for the two best pictures and honorable mention made of the next best ten. Only members of the club may enter this contest and no one person will be allowed to exhibit more than twenty-five pictures. In this contest the exposure only need be the work of the exhibitor.

The third annual intercollegiate photographic contest, between Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania, will be held about the first of April. Each college will enter fifty prints, of which not more than ten may be the work of the same man. These prints will probably be judged in New York and will then be put on exhibition for one week in the Museum Room of Robinson Hall and for the same length of time at Philadelphia. The Harvard Camera Club will choose one of the judges, the Pennsylvania Club another, and the third will be selected by the two thus chosen. A prize will be awarded to the club whose exhibit shows the highest artistic merit. First and second prizes and not more than five honorable mentions will be awarded for the best individual pictures. Silver steins will be given for first and second prizes and ribbons for honorable mention.
