
Debating Council Meeting.

At a meeting of the University Debating Council yesterday afternoon, the following officers were elected for the ensuing half-year:

President, J. Daniels '04; vice-president, E. M. Rabenold '04; secretary, R. L. Hale '06; treasurer, W. M. Shohl '06; debating manager, H. M. Wheeler '06.

It was decided to form a committee composed of the presidents of the Freshman, Sophomore, and University clubs, and two members of the Debating Council, to take charge of all arrangements for interclass debates. The president of the University Debating Club will be ex office chairman of this committee and the two members from the Council will be appointed by the president of the Council in such a way that every class will be represented on the committee by at least one man. The committee will be formed as soon after the mid-year examinations as officers for the second half-year are elected by the Freshman and Sophomore clubs.

Action on the publication of a pamphlet on debating was postponed until the next meeting of the council.
