
Senior Class Photograph Notice.

The contract for the Senior class photographs has been given to Notman. He is the only photographer officially recognized by the class, and all photographs for the class album must be made by him.

There will be no charge for taking these pictures for the album. Men who wish pictures for themselves may order them at these contract rates: $4 for one dozen, $7.75 for two dozen, $13 for fifty pictures. The men whose pictures will go into the album, are those whose names were on the voting list used in the election of class officers. Will all men whose names begin with A or B report at Notman's today or tomorrow to make appointments for sittings. As the number of albums which will be published is limited by the number of applications, each man who wishes an album is asked to sign for it and make a deposit of $2 at Notman's. The price of the album will probably be $5, as in past years.

All men expecting to leave at the mid-years should send their names to J. Daniels, Thayer Hall 13, in order that sittings may be arranged for them at once. 1904 PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE.
