
I. C. A. A. A. A. MEETING.

Intercollegiate Meet to be Held on Franklin Field, Philadelphia, This Spring.

The executive and advisory committees of the Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America met early Saturday afternoon at the Touraine Hotel and were conducted to Soldiers Field for a thorough inspection of the Stadium. At 6.30 o'clock, dinner was served for them in the Committee Room of the Union, after which the delegates returned to the Touraine, where the business meeting was held.

Franklin Field, Philadelphia, was decided upon as the place to hold the intercollegiate track meet in the spring. It was thought that as the dual meet with Yale will be held this year in the Stadium, it would be unwise to hold the intercollegiate meet there also, as the one might detract from the other. It is probable, however, that the Stadium will be used for the intercollegiate meet in 1905.

When the delegates inspected Franklin Field, on November 7, there was no 220-yard straightaway. Since then, however, two such courses have been installed. Both start outside of and pass through the archways of the grandstands, finishing within the field. The great objection is that only about 150 yards of the tracks can be seen from the stands.

Several designs were submitted for the new intercollegiate cup. The design accepted was that of the Gorham Manufacturing Company, calling for a $1,000 cup, which will be ready for exhibition at the general meeting of the Association to be held in New York about the middle of February. The decision of the committees, in their selection of Franklin Field as the place for the holding of the intercollegiate meet, will also be presented at this meeting, and will without doubt, be ratified.

The following men were present at the meeting: E. Clapp, Yale; J. C. Gilpin, Pennsylvania; E. M. Armstrong, Princeton; E. Stauffen, Jr., Columbia; P. Dana '04, Harvard; G. T. Kerby, Columbia; T. Gerrish '01, Harvard.
