
Fact and Rumor

A new eight-oared shell for the Freshman crew has been ordered from Davy and will be completed early in April.

Professor W. M. Davis will speak on "A Journey in Turkestan," Saturday evening at the Colonial Club of Cambridge.

W. H. Lewis '95 will speak to the Political Club this evening at 8 o'clock in the Randolph Hall breakfast-room, on "The Delay of the Law."

The following men have been elected members of the University Mandolin Club: P. A. Proal '05, K. H. Koehler '05, T. Sheldon, Jr., '05, A. F. Afong sC., E. Fischel '04, W. M. Bertolet 1L.

The following candidates for the Pierian Glee Club were last night retained for further trial: tenors--J. L. Swarts '07, E. W. Jones '06, E. M. Dow 1G.; bass--C. G. Willard 1G.


The fencing meet between the University team and the junior team of the Boston Athletic Association, scheduled for next Saturday, has been cancelled. A meet with this team will probably be arranged for a later date.
