
Addresses on Bible Study

The Committee on Bible Study of the Christian Association has arranged for a number of addresses on the Bible, to be given during the remainder of the year.

Addresses have been scheduled for the following dates with the subjects as indicated: January 19, Professor James Hardy Ropes on "Paul;" February 23. Dr. Lyman Abbott on "The Bible in Relation to Modern Problems;" March 9, Professor Francis G. Peabody on "The Social Teachings of Jesus Christ;" March 22, Professor E. C. Moore on "The Relation of Creeds to Modern Religious Thought." Dr. Floyd W. Tomkins, Professor Fenn, Professor Hart and Professor Santayana have consented to speak in this series. The subjects and dates for their addresses will be announced later.

The first address will be given by Professor Ropes next Tuesday evening at 9.30 o'clock in the Shepard Room of the Phillips Brooks House.

All the addresses will be open to the University.
