
Freshmen Won in Basketball.

The Freshman basketball team defeated the Tufts freshmen Saturday evening in the Gymnasium by the score of 29 to 10. In the first half the regular men were in the line-up, but during the second half substitutes were put in each position.

For the first game the showing of the men was encouraging and gives promise of strong team-play later in the season. The offense for the most part was excellent, but in the defense the center and forwards did not give the guards proper support.

The line-up: HARVARD 1907.  TUFTS 1907. Murray, Macdonald, r.f.  l.f., Flint McCarthy, Reed. Kempner, l.f.  r.f., E. P. Wilson Smith, MacAusland, c.  c., H. G. Wilson Goode, Howard, Forte. r.g.  l.g., Ober Saul, Johnson, l.g.  r.g., Balser

Score--Harvard 1907, 29; Tufts 1907, 10. Goals--Smith 5, Murray 2, McCarthy 2, Saul 2, MacAusland, H. G. Wilson 3, E. P. Wilson 2. Free tries made-- Smith. Referee--Clifford. Umpire-- Jones. Timekeeper--Clark. Time--20 and 15-minute halves.


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