
Registration of Addresses.

A voluntary and informal registration of the names and addresses of officers and students of the University and of candidates for admission has been conducted during the past week, and will be conducted hereafter until the publication of the University Directory on or about October 19. This registration does not affect the requirements of formal registration in the several departments but is simply for the convenience of members of the University and candidates for admission, who wish to secure the prompt delivery of mail and telegrams addressed in care of the College Office without hall or street number, or to make their lodgings known to their friends.

Registration slips may now be filled out and deposited at any of the places named below.

University Hall, Rooms 2, 4, 10, 16, 20.

Austin Hall.

Harvard Union.


Harvard Co-operative Society.

Memorial Hall, Auditor's Office.

Randall Hall, Auditor's Office.

Registration slips deposited at the above places will be kept on file at 2 University Hall, where they will be accessible daily from 9 to 5, and where changes of address may be recorded at any time.
