

For Students in the Graduate School, the College and the Scientific School.

Following is a part of the circular of information issued by the University for students under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

For information about rooms and boarding places, for map of the College Yard and vicinity, all circulars, lists of courses of study, etc., and for general assistance of any kind, apply to the Committee on the Reception of Students, Professor N. S. Shaler, Chairman, University Hall, south entry, 1st floor, room 2.

For information about College duties apply to the Recorder or to the Assistant Recorder, University Hall, south entry, 1st floor, room 4.

For information about the Lawrence Scientific School apply to the Secretary of the School, in University Hall, north entry, 1st floor, room 16.

For information about the Graduate School apply at the office of the Dean of the Graduate School, in University Hall, south entry, 3d floor, room 10.



"Dropped" Juniors and Sophomores in Harvard College register in University 19, north entry, 2d floor between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m.

College Freshmen, Class of 1907, assemble to Room 11, Sever Hall, at 9 o'clock on Wednesday, September 30, and meet their Advisers at 9.30 o'clock in the rooms named below. A written list of studies for the entire year must be submitted to the Adviser. Freshmen who have not been assigned to Advisers will consult Professor C. P. Parker, at 9.30 o'clock, in Sever 11. Professor C. P. Parker, Chairman,  Sever 11 Dr. A. P. Andrew,  Sever 26 Dr. C. L. Bouton,  Sever 24 Dr. G. H. Chase,  Sever 20 Professor A. C. Coolidge,  Sever 1 Mr. J. A. Field,  Sever 14 Professor J. D. M. Ford,  Sever 19 Professor J. H. Gardiner,  Sever 9 Professor C. B. Gulick,  Sever 17 Mr. T. Hall,  Sever B Professor W. F. Harris,  Sever 13 Mr. W. G. Howard,  Sever 29 Professor R. T. Jackson,  Sever 5 Dr. T. Lyman,  Sever 30 Dr. R. B. Merriman,  Sever 25 Dr. W. A. Neilson,  Sever 7 Mr. A. O. Norton,  Sever 8 Mr. C. R. Nutter,  Sever 2 Professor F. N. Robinson,  Sever 31 Professor W. R. Spalding,  Sever 6 Dr. O. M. W. Sprague,  Sever A Professor R. DeC. Ward,  Sever 32 Mr. I. L. Winter,  Sever 18 Professor C. H. C. Wright,  Sever 23

Registration of Freshmen in Sever 35 on Wednesday, September 30, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.

Students from other colleges admitted to Harvard College by the Committee on Admission from other colleges must consult the Chairman of the committee, Mr. G. W. Cram, before making their choice of studies. They must also obtain from Mr. Cram an admission card to be presented on Thursday to the Registration Proctor. Office hours, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 1 o'clock in University Hall, south entry, 2d floor, room 5.

College Special Students in the first year of attendance will meet the Chairman of the Committee on Special Students, Mr. J. G. Hart, in Harvard 6, upper room at 9 o'clock on Wednesday, September 30. At 9.30 o'clock they will meet their Advisers in the rooms named below. A written list of studies for the entire year must be submitted to the Adviser for approval.

Mr. J. G. Hart, Chairman,  Univ. 5Professor W. E. Castle  Upper Mass.Mr. G. W. Cram,  Univ. 5Dr. R. B. Dixon,  Upper Mass.Professor C. H. Haskins,  Upper Mass.Dr. D. S. Miller,  Lower Mass.Professor Clifford H. Moore  Upper Mass.Professor G. H. Parker,  Lower Mass.Mr. J. K. Whittemore,  Upper Mass
