
Christian Association Conference Ends Today.

The third annual autumn conference of the Harvard Christian Association, held to consider and perfect plans for the year's work, closes today at Phillips Brooks House. The conference opened Sunday evening with an informal address of welcome by Dean Hurlbut, followed by an address by Dean Hodges of the Episcopal Theological School.

The session this morning, which opens at 9.30 o'clock in the Shepard Room of Phillips Brooks House will be devoted to a discussion of Bible study. O. G. Frantz '03, S. B. Booth '06, and R. H. Bollard '05 will speak. At 11 o'clock Reverend Professor Fenn will give an address. The evening session commencing at 7.30 o'clock, will be devoted to the discussion of plans for philanthropic work, and at 8.30 o'clock an address will be made by Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts.
