
Brisk Practice at Yale.

NEW HAVEN, CONN., Sept., 20.--The practice of the university eleven this afternoon was very short, but the 15 minutes line-up against the scrub team developed some very fast and satisfactory playing. The scrub team was powerless to stop the rapid plays of the university team and two touchdowns were scored with comparitive case.

In the game against Tufts tomorrow, Yale will play eight members of last year's team. The Yale line-up will be: Rafferty, l.e.; Kinney, l.t.; Morton, l.g.; Roraback, c.; Bloomer, r.g.; Hogan, r.t.; Shevlin, r.e.; Rockwell, q.b.; Mitchell, l.h.b; Metcalf, r.h.b.; Bowman, f.b.
