

Ready for the Yale Game.--Will be Competed by Commencement.

Work on the stadium on Soldiers Field is now well advanced and an attempt will be made to have the seats ready for the Yale game. the construction, however, will not be entirely finished before the Commencement exercises in 1904. The eastern and western parts are at present furthest advanced, and in the western part a number of seats are already in place. The southern end, which offers the greatest engineering difficulties because of the curvature, is still in an elementary state.

The entire work has been carried on under the general supervision of Professor Hollis of the Engineering Department. The architectural designs were made by Mr. Charles McKim, of McKim, Mead and White, of New York, and the structural designs by Professor Johnson of the Engineering Department. The structure, with the exception of the steel beams supporting the seats, will be entirely of concrete, the permanent seating capacity being about 24,000.

The Stadium will be horseshoe shaped and within will be the football gridiron, surrounded by an oval running track, and also a straight-away track, the finish of which will be in the bow of the horse-shoe. In the space underneath the seats will be built lockers and dressing rooms. There will also be a promenade under the seats with staircases leading to various points in the stands.

The cost of the Stadium will be about $175,000. Of this amount the Athletic Committee will give $75,000 which will pay for the cost of the foundations and the ground work. The remaining sum is the gift of the class of 1879.


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