The tenth annual tennis tournament for the championship of Massachusetts will be held on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 13, 15, 16 and 17, on the grounds of the Longwood Cricket Club, Boston. The championship was held last year by B.C. Wright ex-'03, who will be called upon to defend his title to the challenge cup against the winner of the tournament. Prizes will be awarded the winner of the tournament and the runner-up.
Play will begin on Saturday afternoon at 2.30 and will continue on Monday and Tuesday at 3.30, and on Wednesday morning at 10. All matches will be for the best two out of three advantage sets except the challenge match, which will be for the best three out of five. Entries will be received up to 4 p.m. on Friday, June 12, by R.C. Seaver, care of National Bank of Commerce, Boston, to whom all communications in regard to the tournament should be addressed. An entrance fee of $1.00 should accompany each entry.
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Letter of Sympathy.