No diplomas will be given out in Sanders Theatre on Commencement Day, as heretofore. They will be distributed after the exercises under the direction of the different deans of the various faculties and schools, in places of which due notice will be posted. This change has been made necessary by the great amount of time consumed in the distribution of the increasing number of diplomas, and by the delay in distributing diplomas not given out at the exercises. This year the diplomas will be printed from a new plate, the old one having been worn out. In the new plate there has been a reversion to the old style diploma given out in the early part of the nineteenth century. It is about one-half the size of the present diploma, and much more attractive in form.
The Yard will be closed on Commencement Day to all but students and alumni of the University and invited guests. No admission tickets will be required, and entrance will be only through the Johnson, Meyer, McKean, and Fifty-seven gates.
Professor M.H. Morgan, Commencement Marshal, has appointed the following aids for the exercises on the morning of Commencement Day: Professor A.L. Lowell, Assistant Professors A.C. Coolidge, J.H. Ropes, W.R. Spalding, W.F. Harris, R. deC. Ward, C.B. Gulick, and Mr. J.R. Whittemore.
The marshals of the degrees are as follows: A.B., R. Derby, E. Bowditch, Jr.; S.B., R.P. Kernan; A.M., and S.M., A.B. de Mille; Ph.D. andS.D., W.W. Lawrence; B.A.S., A.E. Shedd; D.M.D., F.B. Simpson; M.D., J.A. Homans; LL.B., T.W. Swan; S.T.B., R.S. Forbes.
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Letter of Sympathy.