
Interscholastic Track Meet.

The eighth annual outdoor meet of the New England Amateur Athletic Association will take place on Soldiers Field on Saturday at 2.30 o'clock. The meet should prove very interesting as there are nearly 150 entries from about 35 preparatory schools including Exeter, Andover, and Worcester Academy.

Below is given a list of the officials. Those who are unable to act should notify P. Dana, Hampden 44, today.

Referee--W. F. Garcelon '95.

Starter--C. H. Schweppe '02.

Timers--John Graham, H. A. A.; F. Wood, B. A. A.


Marshals--M. T. Lightner '03, W. C. Clark '03, J. E. Haigh '03.

Judges at Finish--C. H. Robinson '04, W. A. Schick '05, A. Robinson '04, F. W. Bird '04, J. W. Foster '03.

Field Judges--W. T. Piper '03, W. A. Colwell 2G., L. Grilk '04, A. Peterson '04, F. M. Murphy '03.

Clerk of Course--P. Dana '04.

Assistant Clerks of Course--C. H. Derby '03, A. F. Nazro '03.

Measurers--D. R. Ayres '05, R. B. Gring '05, E. M. Sawyer '06.

Inspectors--C. B. Marshall '04, J. H. Hall '03, R. M. Walsh 3L.

Announcers--J. A. Field '03, R. Inglis '03.

Scorers--C. de Young '05, S. N. Hinckley '05.
