
Commencement Tickets Notice.

Since the number of tickets for the Commencement exercises in Sanders Theatre available for relatives and friends of the candidates for degrees is limited (143 being reserved for candidates for the degree of A.B., 28 for candidates for the degree of S.B.) the following arrangements for the distribution to candidates for those two degree have been made:

Any candidates who wishes a ticket must send a request in writing to the Class Day Committee, Grays 19 before Monday noon, June 22.

The tickets will be assigned by lot Monday afternoon, and notice to successful applicants will also be posted at Grays 19 and on the official bulletin board in the south entry of University Hall.

Tickets must be called for at Grays 19 at one of the following hours:

Tuesday, June 23, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.; between 4 and 6 p.m.


Wednesday, June 24, between 8 and 9 a.m.

Candidates for degrees march to the Theatre in procession and do not need tickets for admission. B. S. HURLBUT.   N. S. SHALER.   AND CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
