
Ushers for the Game.

The following men should report at the Baseball Cage promptly at 11.45 o'clock to act as ushers at the game. Lunch will be served to them: Acosta, A. Ames, F.E. Ames, S. Baird, Barton, Bell, Blaikie, Boardman, Brewster, L. Brown, L.T. Brown, Bryant, Bullivant, Class, Coburn, Collings, Corbett, Cummens, Cutler, Dana, Du Bois, Dunbar, Evans, Foote, Greenough, F.G. Hall, I.K. Hall, Harrison, Howes, F.G. Jackson, Keogh, Kent, Knowlton, Lane, Lawton, R. Leatherbee, Lee, G.M. Leonard, Lincoln, Lindsley, Lindsay, Lord, J.S. Lovering, Lowery, MacDonald, Manning, McAvity, Manomey, Murdock, O'Connor, Page, H.S. Parker, Peterson, Pieper, Pruyn, Renn, Riker, E.D. Roberts, Robinson, Roosevelt, R.W. Ruhl, H.R. Sedgwick, Schefer, Shea, E.N. Smith, Southern, Taylor, Warland, J.P. Williams, Winsor, Winston, Wood.
