

On Soldiers Field at 2 o'clock.--Clarkson and Bowman the Pitchers.

The University nine will play the first game of the series with Yale on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Of last year's Yale team, Winslow, catcher, Barnwell, center field, Metcalf, second base, and Chittenden, first base, are again playing this spring. Bowman, a freshman from Hill School, is pitching, and with one or two exceptions, has proved most reliable. Yale has shown fair strength in batting, and occasionally, as in the Georgetown game, has succeeded in bunching hits very consistently. The strongest feature of the play, however, is the fielding, which has been almost unexceptionally very fast and steady.

Yale was defeated by Princeton in the series of three games between the two colleges, losing the last two games by scores of 10 to 6 and 7 to 6, after winning the first one 2 to 1.

Both the Harvard and Yale teams have proved in general skillful in fielding, but uncertain at bat, though both have in certain games hit effectively. In the pitching the advantage should be with Harvard, for Clarkson's experience should count greatly in his favor.

The line-up of the two teams today will be: HARVARD.  YALE. Randall, lb.  s.s., O'Brien Stephenson, r.f.  2b., Metcalf Matthews, s.s.  c.f., Barnwell Clarkson, p.  lb., Chittenden Stillman, c.f.  3b., O'Rourke R.P. Kernan, c.  c., Winslow H.D. Kernan, l.f.  p., Bowman Carr, 3b.  l.f., Barnes Coolidge, 2b.  r.f., Shevlin
