

"As You Like It" at 4 and "Comedy of Errors" at 8 o'clock.

The first performances of the outdoor plays of Shakspere will be given this afternoon and evening by Mr. Ben Greet's Woodland Players under the auspices of the English Department. The afternoon performance will be "As You Like It," commencing at 4 o'clock, and that in the evening the "Comedy of Errors," at 8 o'clock. Both performances will begin promptly upon the hour. The grounds will be opened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and at 7 o'clock in the evening. With suitable weather, all the performances will take place in the quadrangle, east of Sever Hall; otherwise Sanders Theatre will be used. Notices of any necessary change will be posted at the grounds, Memorial Hall and University Hall. Great care has been exercised upon the outdoor site to transform the scene into woodland illusion. This part of the arrangements has been most skilfully executed by Mr. F.L. Olmsted '94. The auditorium and entrances will be electrically lighted until the hour of the performance. The stage and actors will be made visible in all parts of the grounds by lime lights which will be so managed as to create an almost perfect effect, judging from recent performances at Wellesley and New York by this same company. The cast of "As You Like It" will be as follows: Duke, living in banishment,  Henry Hadfield Jaques, Amiens, A Lord, attending on the Duke, Ben Greet, Robert S. Pigott,  Percy Waram Oliver, Jacques, Orlando, sons of Sir Roland du Boys, C. Rann Kennedy, R.  W. Smiley, Stanley Drewitt Adam, servant to Orlando,  Frank McEntee Touchstone, Clown,  B.A. Field Sir Oliver Martext, a Vicar,  Frank McEntee Corin, Silvius, Shepherds,  R.W. Smiley, Dallas Anderson William, a country fellow in love with Audrey,  Percy Waram Rosalind,  Edith Wynne Matthison Celia,  Emily Taylor Phoebe,  Mildred Jones Audrey,  Millicent McLaughlin

Peasants--Dorothy Mahomed, Rose McEntee, William Weston, Joseph Honor.

Foresters--E. Pooley, C.G. Wescott, N.K. Cafferty, D.M. Lumsden, Charles Oestereich.

The audience is requested to remain until after the epilogue is spoken by Rosalind.

The cast of characters in the "Comedy of Errors" will be:


Solinus, Duke of Ephesus, Percy Waram

Aegeon, a Merchant of Syracuse, Henry Hadfield

Antipholus, of Ephesus, Antipholus, of Syracuse, Stanley Drewitt, Dallas Anderson, Twin brothers and sons to Aegeon and Aemelia.

Dromio, of Ephesus, Dromio, of Syracuse, Ben Greet, C. Rann Kennedy

Twin brothers and attendants on the two Antipholi.

Angelo, a goldsmith,  Robert S. PigottBalthazar, a merchant,  R.H. SmileyPinch, a schoolmaster,  B.A. FieldOfficer,  Frank McEnteeLuce, a servant,  H. GastonAemilia, wife to Aegeon, an abbess of Ephesus,  Millicent McLaughlinAdriana, wife to Antipholus of Ephesus,  Edith Wynne MatthisonLuciana, her sister,  Emily TaylorDiana,  Dorothy Mahome
