
A.B. and S.B. in Five Years.

Attention is called to the plan by which the degrees of A.B. and S.B. may both be obtained in five years, or even four years. After three years in the College, or after the satisfactory completion of fourteen courses counting towards the degree of A.B., a student may register in the Scientific School. He may then receive the degree of A.B. after completing the number of courses required for that degree, and at the end of two years may receive the degree of S.B., having devoted the last year to studies prescribed by the Administrative Board of the Scientific School. As there are certain elementary courses in mathematics and chemistry which it is necessary for those contemplating this plan to take while in the College, such students would do well to receive advice in regard to the selection of their studies. This will be gladly given at the office of the Scientific School in University Hall.
