
Yale Track Records Broken.

The annual Yale interclass track games, Saturday, resulted in the breaking of three Yale records. The record of 15 3-5 seconds for the high hurdles was broken by E. K. Clapp '03 in 15 2-5 s. In the polo vault, W. McLanahan '05S. cleared 11 ft. 6 1-2 in., breaking the former record by 3 1-2 inches. F. R. Moulton '03S. ran the 220-yards dash in 21 3-5 second, the former record being 21 4-5 seconds. Moulton also apparently ran the 100-yards dash in 9 4-5 seconds, but as there was considerable wind at his back, the judges credited him with 10 seconds.

The University records in these events are as follows: High hurdles, 15 3-5 seconds; pole vault, 11 ft. 4 1-4 in.; 220-yards dash, 21 3-5 seconds.
