
University Crews in Time Row.

The work of the University crews on Saturday consisted of a time row up stream over a course which began at the Longwood Bridge and ended about three-eighths of a mile below the Watertown Bridge, a distance of almost three miles. The second crew was given a start of 20 seconds and although the first steadily shortened the distance between the two boats it was unable to get the lead. Owing to the crooked course and the rough water, caused by a strong ebb tide and a wind blowing up-stream, the time was slow. The orders of the crews were somewhat different from those of the early part of the week. Lawson replaced Hartwell at 7 in the first boat, and Haycock, who had been rowing at 7 in the, second, was moved to 5, his old place being taken by Hartwell.

The orders were as follows:

First crew--Stroke, Wolcott: 7, Lawson; 6, McGrew; 5, Duffy; 4, F. W. C. Foster; 3, Ayer; 2, Webster; bow, Swaim; cox., Litchfield.

Second crew--Stroke, Dillingham; 7, Hartwell; 6, R. Foster; 5, Haycock; 4, Derby; 3, Filley; 2, Ober; bow, George; cox., Ivy.
