The Summer School camp at Squam Lake, N. H., to be conducted this year by Mr. H. J. Hughes, instructor in hydraulics, will open on Saturday, June 13, and will continue until Saturday, August 29, covering in all a period of eleven weeks. Mr. D. L. Turner, who has conducted the school in previous years is unable to continue to do so owing to his work with the Rapid Transit Company in New York.
It is planned to give this summer, for the first time, the courses Engineering 5b and 5d, on statics, and the resistance of materials, respectively. These courses will probably be given this summer by Mr. J. A. Moyer. They are added in order that the men who have failed to attain the required grade in them, may complete the courses during the summer, and thus be able to take up their next year's work in the ball. There will also be as usual courses in plane, geodetic, and railroad surveying, all of which are prescribed for civil and mining engineers; but all three many be elected by a College student of one year's standing, without any extra charge for tuition. Students from outside colleges will be admitted to the courses only on payment of a small tuition fee. The time will be divided as follows: Plane surveying, first six weeks; geodetic surveying with night work, next two weeks; railroad surveying, last three weeks.
During the past year, the camp has been connected by telephone with the Centare Harbor, N. H., exchange, and the equipment has been enlarged in many ways.
The personal expenses of each student will be about $110, including board and transpiration. For the convenience of students, all final examinations coming on or after Monday, June 15, will be given at the camp.
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