
Plans for Election of Overseers.

The association of the alumni of the College has recently appointed a committee to suggest names for nominations to the Board of Overseers. Following is the committee: T. K. Lothrop '49, chairman; A. A. Lawrence '96, F. Merriam '71, R. Hoar '76, W. Farnsworth '77, J. Lowell '77, C. M. Weld '80, F. G. Balch '88, T. N. Porkins '91, secretary.

The vacancies to be filled on Commencement Day, Wednesday, June 24, are five for the full term of six years, in place of C. J. Bonaparte '71, C. F. Folsom '62, J. J. Storrow '85, F. L. Higginson '63, and G. A. Gordon '81, whose terms of office expire on Commencement Day; and one for the term of three years, caused by the death of A. Lincoin '63. Of the Overseers, whose terms expire this year. Mr. Bonaparte and Dr. Folsom are ineligible, leaving Dr. Gordon and Messrs. Higginson and Storrow eligible for re-election.

The committee was directed to suggest three times as many names as there are vacancies to be filled, in addition to the names of the outgoing Overseers, eligible for re-election. Each ballot for nominations is to contain not more than six names and will be received until May 31, if addressed to Charles Walcott, Esq., 70 State street, Boston. The names of the twelve candidates, receiving the highest number of votes, will be placed on an official ballot, in the form of the Australian ballot, for use in the coming election. No member of the Corporation and no officer of government or instruction in the University, except a professor emeritus, is eligible for the office of Overseer or entitled to vote at the election. All other graduates of the College of five year's standing, and all persons not graduates who have received from the College any honorary degree, are entitied to vote.

The committee has suggested the following men, all, except those specified, citizens of Massachusetts: F. L. Higginson '63, G. B. Shattuck '63, C. W. Clifford '65, T. Parsons '70, N. Thayer '71, H. Burnett '73, G. Wigglesworth '74, F. R. Appleton '75, New York, W. N. Swift '77, F. W. Thayer '78, W. B. Thomas '79, R. M. Saltonstall '80, G. A. Gordon '81, H. B. Cabot '83, G. Abbott '84, W. A. Gardner '84, J. J. Storrow '85, P. R. Froth-Ingham '86, P. Dexter '89, N. Rantoul '92, G. R. Fearing, Jr., '93.
