
Browne and Nichols Should Win.

The preliminary and semi-final rounds of the intercollegiate tennis tournament on Jarvis Field were played on Saturday and the final round will be played at 3 o'clock this afternoon between J. Macdonald of Browne and Nichols and M. W. Niles of Boston Latin School. Browne and Nichols, which already has 7 points, will either win the championship shield by a victory today, or tie Exeter, which also has 7 points, in case of a defeat, which seems unlikely. The Boston Latin School, which is represented by the other competitor in the finals, has at present only 5 points, and the other schools rank as follows: Newton High 4, Volkmann's 2, Chelsea High 1, Noble and Greenough 1.

The playing was not as good as was expected. Volkmann's and Newton High, which were supposed to have the best chances, were particularly disappointing. Macdonald of Browne and Nichols did the best work and, if in form, should win the individual championship this afternoon.
