
University and 1906 Shells

The new University crew shell which has been built by Davy will be delivered at the boathouse on Monday. The shell is sixty-three feet long, three feet longer than last year's boat; its depth is nine and three-quarters inches and its beam twenty-three inches; it weighs 250 pounds. The shell, which is made of Spanish cedar, is fuller forward on the gunwale than last year's boat, and is a little wider on the beam to make up for the increase in length.

Davy has also nearly completed the Freshman shell, which will probably be ready for delivery next Thursday. This boat, which also is made of the Spanish cedar, is sixty-one feet long, nine and one-half inches deep and measures twenty-four inches on the beam. Except for the extra width, which has been added to make the boat as steady as possible, the shell is built like the one for the University crew.
