
Class Day Tickets Notice

Seniors who have purchased packages of tickets are requested to return to the Committee the tickets they cannot use, in accordance with the agreement under which the packages were sold. The tickets will be bought back by the Committee at Grays 19 on Monday, June 1, between 11 and 1 o'clock at the following prices: Memorial tickets, 30 cents each; Sanders, 75 cents each; and Statue, 50 cents each.

The Committee reserves the right to refuse admission on tickets purchased by a Senior who is known to have sold any tickets, except to the Committee.

There will be a third sale of Class Day tickets for Seniors only, on Wednesday, June 3, from 1.30 to 3.30 o'clock at Grays 19. No packages will be sold to Seniors at this sale, and the Sanders and Statue tickets will be limited.

On the same day and at the same hours, packages of four Yard and four Memorial tickets will be sold for $3.50 each to graduating members of the departments of the University. No packages will be sold by proxy. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
