

On Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock.--Harvard Freshmen Should Win.

The Freshman baseball team will play the Yale freshmen on the University diamond, Soldiers Field, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. A hard week's practice for the Freshmen has brought considerable improvement in the playing of the team as a whole. The team work is more consistent, and the batting and especially the bunting have improved. In base-running, to which a large amount of time has been devoted this week, the stupidity shown in the Yale game last Saturday has been almost entirely corrected. The fielding, both in the infield and the outfield, is much more steady than it has been and the throwing is more accurate. The men are all in good physical condition.

The Yale team is fairly well developed and has several good individual players both in the field and at bat. As a team, however, their batting is weak, and the work of the infield, with the exception of Carter at third base, is inaccurate. In the outfield the playing is good.

In the game last Saturday the Yale freshmen were defeated by the score of 17 to 9. The batting orders follow: HARVARD 1906.  YALE 1906. Bradley, s.s.  c., Rockwell Grant, 3b.  2b., Moorehead Leonard, 2b.  c.f., Scribner Newhall, l.f.  l.f., Smith Nichols, 1b.  3b., Thomas, Carter Castle, p.  r.f., Thompson Spencer, c.f.  1b., Waldo Quigley, c.  s.s., Wheeler Greenough, r.f.  p., Whittlesey

The Yale baseball team will play Princeton this afternoon on Yale Field in New Haven. The second game will be played in Princeton next Saturday.
