
Second Nine Defeats St. Mark's.

The Second nine defeated St. Mark's School in a loosely played seven-inning game at Southboro on Saturday, by the score of 14 to 3. In fielding, the work of the Second nine was on the whole fast and accurate, but included four errors; the base-running was less careless and showed more life than in the last few games played, five bases being stolen. Opposed by a weak pitcher, the nine batted creditably, and bunched their hits well, especially in the second inning, when six runs were made. St. Mark's played a loose, unsteady game, with little team work, a fact partly accounted for, perhaps, by the absence of their captain. Their chief weakness was at the bat; they fielded fairly well.

Hutchinson pitched a good game, and was especially steady with men on bases; he struck out four men, but allowed five bases on balls. Pinckard, for St. Mark's, lost control in the second inning, and was wild throughout the game, allowing six bases on balls and hitting three men. The best batting for the Second nine was done by Bolton and Marshall, and for St. Mark's by Rumsey. Marshall accepted all of his eight chances at second base.

The score by innings was as follows:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  r.  h.  e. Second Nine,  0  6  0  4  2  1  1  14  10  4 St. Mark's,  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  3  6  6
