The dual tennis meet with Yale will be held on Jarvis Field today. Each side will be represented by six men in the singles and by the same six men, arranged in three pairs, in the doubles. Each match will count as one point and the side winning the greater number of points will win the meet. The singles will be played at 9.30 o'clock and will be for the best two out of three sets. The doubles will be played as soon as the singles are finished and will be for the best three out of five sets.
The chances of victory seem to favor the University team. The men are very strong in singles, but have not played together long and are consequently weak in the doubles. Four of the University players, and two of the Yale players, competed in the dual meet, last spring, which was won by Harvard by the score of 6 to 3.
The pairings are as follows, the University players being named first:
Singles--E. W. Leonard '03 vs. H. A. Plummer '03, W. P. Blagden '04 vs. T. Sturgis, Jr., '03, R. Bishop 2L. vs. P. K. Condict '03, M. S. Warland '03 vs. Z. Sargent '03, J. I. B. Larned '05 vs. A. M. Collins '03, B. S. Prentice '05 vs. F. W. Cole '04.
Doubles--Leonard and Warland vs. Plummer and Condict, Blagden and Bishop vs. Sturgis and Sargent, Larned and Prentice vs. Collins and Cole.
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