
University Crew Development

The University crew has now been working regularly for a month under Coach Higginson's direction, and so far one of the chief difficulties with which he has had to contend has been the problem of finding a new stroke for the first eight in order that McGrew might be used at 6. Wolcott and Dillingham were looked upon as the only possible candidates for the position, and both were accordingly tried. Wolcott kept the position for almost three weeks and was not found satisfactory; so he was moved to the second and his place was taken by Dillinagham, who was tried for a week. He, too, was not found capable of filling the place. One of the most noticeable faults was a tendency to delay the stroke at both ends, due to a bad hang at the full reach and a slowness at the beginning of the recover.

Last Thursday McGrew went in at stroke for the first time; Filley, who had been rowing 2, was put at 6 and Wolcott was moved from stroke in the second to 2 in the first, Dillingham going back to the second. As a result of this shake-up the crew has made a most noticeable improvement in almost every way. The present make-up seems to be the most satisfactory that has yet been tried and it is safe to say that, on the whole, the crew is in a more developed state than it was at the same time last year.

It was intended to have the crews take a time row yesterday, but the extremely high tide prevented it. The practice consisted in rowing to the Union Boathouse and back in stretches of various lengths, one of which was in the form of a brush of a mile and a quarter between the first eight and the Freshmen. The Freshmen were some-want hampered by the weight in the stern, Coach Perkins having taken the coxswain's seat, and on this account were unable to keep up and finished three lengths behind. Coach Higginson yesterday made a special efforts to get the men accustomed to raising the stroke when rowing particularly hard, and vice versa.

The first and second crown are now rowing in the following order:

First Crew Stroke, McGrew; 7, Lamson: 6, Filley; 5, Duffy; 4, F. W. C. Foster; a, George; 2, Wolcott; bow, Swaim:; cox., Litchfield.


Second crew--Stroke, Dillingham; 7, Haycock; 6, R. Foster; 5, Ayer; 4, Derby; 3, Ober; 2, Webster; bow, Locke; cox., Ivy.
