At the meeting yesterday of representatives of the State Clubs plans were definitely made for a club baseball series. Six clubs have entered and the first game will be played tomorrow.
Captains of contesting nines must make arrangements for an umpire, but may obtain bats, balls, etc., in Hollis 24 at 3.30 o'clock on the day of each game. The place at which games will be played will be announced later, and any team which does not appear at the specified place with fifteen minutes of the scheduled time will lose its game by default. In case neither team appears both teams will by considered out of the series. The captain of the winning team in each game must leave the score in Hollis 24 by 7.30 p. m. on the day of the game. Nine steins will be given the team winning the series.
The following schedule has been arranged:
California vs. Iowa tomorrow at 4 Ohio vs. Maine, Monday at 4. Missouri vs. Indiana, Monday 4. Winner California-Iowa vs. winner Ohio-Maine, Tuesday at 4.
Winner of Tuesday's game vs. winner Missouri-Indiana, Thursday at 4. for the championship.
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