
Changes in Law School Courses.

A number of changes will be made in the curriculum of the Law School next year. Dean Ames's second year course on Admiralty, Professor Wambaugh's second year course on Contracts, and Professor Gray's third year course on Comparative Jurisprudence will not be given. Professor Wambaugh will give the first year course on property given this year by Assistant Professor Westengard's and Mr. Adams. Professor Beale will give the entire second year course on Jurisdiction and Procedure in Equity, the first half of which was given this year by Professor Ames. Professor Beale will also give the entire third year course on conflict of Laws in which he was this year assisted by Assistant Professor woman. Assistant Professor Wyman will give this year by him and will also take Professor, Wambaugh's second year course on Quasi-Contracts. Dean Amnestic take Assistant Professor Westengard's third year course on Property; and Dean Ames's third year course on Jurisdiction and Procedure in Equity will be given by a professor not yet decided upon.

The extra courses to be given next year and the professors who will give them are as follows: Massachusetts Practice, Mr. E. R. Thayer; The Administration of Law by Public Officials, Assistant Professor Wyman; Forensic Discussion, Mr. I. L. Winter; and Voice Training, Mr. B. G. Willard.
