

Today will be the last opportunity, before the public sale on Saturday, for officers or students of the University to apply for seats for the outdoor performances of "As You Like It" and "The comedy of errors," which are to be given on June 1 and 2. In the CRIMSON of May 16 was printed a full account of the nature of these performances which are to be acted by the Woodland Players of the Elizabethan Stage Society of London--the company now performing the morality play "Everyman" in New York.

The performances on June 1, which will be open only to the University, will be, in the afternoon at 4 o'clock, "As You Like It." and in the evening at 8 o'clock, "The Comedy of errors." On June 2, when the performances will be open to the public, the programme will be reversed: "The Comedy of Errors" will be given at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and "As You Like It" at 8 o'clock in the evening. This will be the first opportunity afforded in this country for many years for seeing an adequate performance of "The Comedy of Errors," which will have especial interest from the fact that Mr. Ben Greet will play one of the Dromio's.

The price of tickets is $1.50 for reserved seats; admission, $1.00.

The distribution of seats for students of the University will be governed by the following conditions:

1. Applications must be made to J. H. Gardiner, Grays 18, today.


2. Each application must be accompanied by addressed and stamped envelope with check to the amount of tickets desired.

3. The application may be for one ticket for one or more of the performances. Students who wish more than one ticket for a performance should attend the general sale on Saturday, May 23.

4. It is desirable that an applicant should state his second or third choice in case the tickets for his first choice be exhausted by the time his application is received.

5. Students who wish to sit together should state the fact in filing their individual applications.
