To an appreciative audience at the Union last night, Mr. Curtis guild, Jr., '81, Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts, delivered his address on "Some Dangers of a Democracy." Mr. guild began his address by speaking of the great privilege American citizenship conveys at this particular time. The country has nothing to fear from without. Its only danger is from within. The citizens of this country who are indifferent to politics, who shun public duties, who avoid the stress of elections, are the modern traitors, as dangerous and evil as the traitors of history. The country needs strong young men who will give richly of their money, their time and their strength. The dangers of a democracy are of little account when such men rally to the support of the nation: when corruption is brought to light, when wrong is punished. Mr. Guild closed his address by strongly affirming his faith in the people of this country, who are yearly growing better and higher in ideals.
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