We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed. Every communication must be accompanied by the name of the writer.
To the editors of the CRIMSON:
It is well known that the headaches and discomforts due to eye strain are experienced by the strong and vigorous as well as by the weak and poorly nourished. The relation of the general health to the muscles of the eye is therefore a question of interest to oculists, to persons who have such headaches and even to those in perfect health. For, if the ocular muscles of the latter are not also proportionally strong, such persons may suffer from eye strain at any time or else resort to glasses prematurely. These difficulties have received much attention of late years from aphthalmologists and two of them are making a series of simple tests to determine the relation of these ocular muscles to the general health. They have arranged to be at the Hemenway Gymnasium from three to four o'clock for a few days commencing Thursday, May 21, and any student who has a record there of his strength according to the new plan, or who is willing to make such a record can also avail himself of this opportunity to have the eyes tested. Those who imagine their vision is unusually good are particularly invited to present themselves.--though the tests, which are simple and require only a few minutes, will be made of any students who have or will have the tests of their general strength.
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