
Leiter Cup Games.

The Leiter Cup games scheduled for yesterday resulted as follows: Storks 29, Dinky Dinks9; Indians won from Incognitos by default, and played a practice game with the Second nine in which the latter won, 7 to 8; Butterfingers vs. Hustlers, a tie, as no report of the game was received.

The following games will be played today at 3 o'clock; Muffers vs. Sleeping Beauties, east diamond, Soldiers Field; Boers vs. boiler makers, west diamond, Soldiers Field; Grinds vs. losers, Nortons Field.

On Account of the difficulty experience in leaving at the CRIMSON office before 7 o'clock, reports of games played on Soldiers Field, the time limit for handing in reports has been extended in at the CRIMSON office before that time, otherwise they will not be counted.
