
Intersholastic Tennis Today.

The thirteenth annual interscholastic tennis tournament will start on Jarvis Field at 9 o'clock this morning. The preliminary and semi-final rounds should be finished by tonight, leaving only the finals for Monday. During the tournament preference in courts will be given to contestants.

Thirty men in all have entered from the following schools: Volkmann's Browne and Nichols, Boston Latin, Newton High, Exeter, Noble and Greenough's and Chelsea high. The individual championship is very uncertain, but the chances for the school championship favor Volkmann's tied for the school championship with 9 points each.

Prizes will be given to the winner and the runner-up. A championship shield will be given to the school winning the greater number of points, each match actually won counting as one point. The winner of the tournament will also have the right, as Harvard interscholastic champion, to play for the national interscholastic championship at Newport in August.
