
Graded Rowing Still Crude

The graded crews from the Newell and Weld Clubs started work on Tuesday, Three crews have been formed from each club, those from the Weld under the direction of Wray, and those from the Newell under Vail. The crews have not yet had time to get together very well, and the Newell men are especially crude in their work. The Weld first crew yesterday afternoon made a good showing, and their order will probably remain as at present.

Following are the orders of the crews which went out yesterday, three rowing from the Weld and two from the Newell.

First Weld--Stroke, Macomber; 7, Minturn; 6, Lindsley; 5, Bleakie; 4, Deming; 3, Lloyd; 2, May; bow, Fairchild; cox., Whitney.

Second Weld--Stroke, de Rham; 7, Roberts; 6, McIntyre; 5, Joralemon; 4, Brown; 3, Williams; 2, Jackson; bow, Douglass; cox., Sharon.

Third Weld--Stroke, Field; 7, Manahan; 6, Meier; 5, Clark; 4, Dougherty; 3, Atherton; 2. Black; bow, plumb; cox., Risley.


First Newell--Stroke, Stevens; 7, D. James; 6, Brigham; 5, Welldon; 4, Durfee; 3, Leaycraft; 2, Ames; bow, Otis; cox., Lewis.

Second Newell--Stroke, R. James; 7, Stockton; 6, Lamson; 5, Lewis; 4, Waite; 3, Olney; 2, Rivinus; bow, Cabot; cox., Bonelli.
