

On Soldiers Field at 2.30--University Team Shows No Improvement.

Harvard will play Williams at baseball this afternoon on Soldiers Field. The game will be called at 2.30 o'clock, not at 3 o'clock as announced early in the week.

Of last year's Williams team, McCarty will catch; Doughty will play left field. Nesbitt, third base; and Waston, first base. Although but little practice has been possible, the five vacancies seem to have been filled satisfactorily. In 1901, Williams has played but two important games this season, having been defeated by Yale, 9 to 2, and by Priceton 5 to 4.

The Harvard team has shown no material improvements since the Southern trip. The batting and base-running are still weak, and in the Amherst game the fielding also showed some raggedness. Although spirited, the fielding has been characterized by careless throwing, while the batting has, with a few exceptions, retained its former low standard.

Stillman will pitch for Harvard for the first time since the second Annapolis game; Clarkson will play right field; and H. D. Kernan will again be in left field. The battle orders: HARVARD  WILLIAMS. Coolidge, 2b.  c., McCarty H. D. Kernan, l.f.  l.f. Doughty Matthews, s.s.  c.f., Durfee Randall, 1b.  3b., Nesbitt Clarkson, c.f.  r.f., Westervett Stillman, p.  lb., Waston Daly, r.f.  2b., Wadsworth R. P. Kernan, c.  s.s., Mears Story or Carr., 3b  p., Turell
