
Emerson Hall Subscriptions

The visiting committee of the alumni in charge of raising funds for Emerson Hall desire to lay that project before all who value Emerson and all Harvard men, that all many have an opportunity to manifest their interest by contributions, large or small. As a memorial to Emerson, this building, devoted to philosophic and philanthropic teaching at the University where Emerson himself was successively student, lecturer and overseer, and taught in by men like Professors James, Royce, Palmer, Munsterberg, Peabody, and Santayana, Seems singularly fitting. The hall itself is greatly needed at the University. For the further development of the rapidly growing philosophic work, it is indeed essential. The philosophical department has the greatest number of graduate students of any department has the greatest number of graduate students of any department of the University. Its courses are so well appreciated by undergraduates that the average student now takes an entire year of philosophy during his College course. A building devoted to one department gives to that department dignity, unity, and emphasis. Nearly $150,000 has now been subscribed for this hall, but more is needed to give the memorial permanence and distinction and to make the hall sufficient for the University's needs.

Contributions or pledges of subscription may be sent to the Treasurer of the Committee, Richard H. Dana, Esq., 905 Exchange Building, 53 State street, Boston, or to any other member of the committee for forwarding to him.
