
The Lampoon.

The last number of the Lampoon should be a source of pride to its editors. There is scarcely a dull page in it. The editorials are well written and do not force the laugh too much. The drawings--particularly the centrepage--are executed with exceptional ability and are appropriate to the subjects; and the quibs and longer pieces of satire possess a sort of spontaneity that has become of late very rare. The "Guide to Courses," "Baedeker's Harvard" and "Chem. 3," although none of them are essentially new, nevertheless are more than justified by the originality of their treatment. The last named particularly is pre-eminently amusing and provokes a laugh without begging it. Two rather long poems "Retribution" and "The Seven E's" are pleasant bits of burlesque. The first named need not be confined to undergraduates to be enjoyed. The usual "Senior and His Impression" picture is the best thus far though its veracity as before might be questioned.
