
Leiter Cup Baseball Games.

As no reports from three of the Leiter Cup games scheduled for Saturday were received, the games have been counted ties, and each of the following teams credited with half a game: Boiler Makers vs. Boers; Sleeping Beauties vs. Dinky Dinks; Holyoke Heights vs. Egyptian Deities. The other two games resulted as follows: Losers 20, Hunstlers 19; Dagoes 14, Hell-O-Go-Damns 13.

The following games will be played today at 4 o'clock: Grinds vs. Dagoes, cast diamond, Soldiers Field; Boiler Makers vs. Stewed Prunes, west diamond, Soldiers Field; Storks vs. Pie Faces, Freshman diamond, Soldiers Field (to play off tie for the championship of Section III).
