
Crescent Wins Lacrosse Game.

The University lacrosse team was defeated by the Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn on Saturday by a score of 12 to 3. The game was played on the grounds of the Crescent Club at Bay Ridge.

The University team played a much more aggressive game than in the Pennsylvania game on Friday, but because of poor stick work and lack of team play was unable to score with any frequency. The defense were inclined to over-run the opposing attack and thus often allowed free throws at short distances from the goal, while Tomlinson at goal was ineffectual in stopping many easy throws. The defense and out-field attack advanced the ball well, but poor stick work on the part of all the attack men when near the goal resulted in the loss of many open chances for scoring. The attack of the Crescent team was particularly effective in keeping the ball in their opponent's territory.

Following is the line-up: HARVARD.  CRESCENT. Tomlinson, g.  g., Rose Phillips, p.  p., Allan E. N. Smith, c.p.  c.p., Moses Lehmann, 1d.  1d., De Casanova Hanavan, 2d.  2d., Dobby Kibbey, 3d.  3d., Drakely Rice, c.  c., Liffeton Bennett, 3a.  3a., Jewell Penhallow, 2a.  2a., Wall Blaxter, 1a.  1a., Simpson Michell, o.h.  o.h., Curry K. K. Smith, i.h.  i.h., Lindsay
