

Expedition to Leave at 9 o'clock Tomorrow.--More Should Go.

The whole Senior class is expected to meet in front of University Hall promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow as a beginning to the Misery Island picnic. At 9.05 President Derby will distribute the badges to the various committeemen, and then, preceded by a fifteen-piece band, the procession will march around the Yard and out to the Square. Here a number of special cars will be in waiting, and will leave the Square at 9.25 o'clock, bound for 84 Commercial Wharf, Boston. From this point, which may also be reached by taking an elevated train to Battery Park, the commodious steamer "King Philip" will leave for Misery Island at 10 o'clock.

According to present indications the party will be landed at about 12 o'clock, and at this time the grand march and exploring expedition will take place about the Island under experienced guides--the object being to become thoroughly acquainted with the vast wildernesses on Misery before the refreshments are served.

Lunch will be held at 1 o'clock to be followed by a sufficient interval for digestion. At 2.30 will occur the track events, entries for which will probably be received on the boat. The only scheduled attractions are relay races between teams representing the Advocate. Monthly, Lampoon and Phi Beta Kappa.

Baseball games will commence at 3.30 o'clock, and although only one diamond has already been signed for it is likely that several organizations will be entered in this department. All men who wish to play should bring their own bats and balls as none will be furnished by the management. The officials appointed to officiate at the baseball games are W. C. Clark and E. George.

Following the ball games there will be water sports at 5 o'clock; and at 5.30 o'clock will take place a tug-of-war between carefully selected teams.


At 6.30 o'clock will occur the highly elaborate dinner, to be followed by a band concert and other informal entertainments.

The "King Philip" will leave the Island in the evening and will run a short turn out to sea in order to make the trip up the harbor by moonlight. Men who have to come away earlier, however, may leave the Island at any time on the club launch which connects with the Boston trains at Beverly Farms.

As yet only a hundred tickets have been sold, which of course do not begin to cover the expenses. Provision has been made for 300 men, and in order to make sure of an adequate number, the committee has decided to leave the tickets on sale at 50 cents each.

The following committees have been appointed to take charge of the events on the Island:

Marshals--F. G. Hall, F. B. Riggs, J. C. Lord, C. H. G. Heinfelden, H. Bishop, F. H. Poor, H. L. Warner, E. J. D. Coxe, K. Baumgarton, P. B. Oluey, Jr., S. Burton, H. E. Kelley.

Reception Committee--R. Ernst, S. Blaikie, A. L. Richards, J. J. Mahoney, C. W. Gilkey, V. C. Mather, C. E. McGlensey.

Field Committee--T. H. Graydon, G. D. Boardman, W. C. Clark, J. A. Field, J. D. Clark.

Transportation Committee -- O. G. Frantz, A. Black, S. Baird, E. George, E. Bowditch, Jr., A. Gray, G. W. South.

Information Bureau--S. Thurman, H. J. Carlton, D. P. Lockwood, R. S. Coutant.

Refreshment Committee--R. Inglis, A. J. Hammerslough, A. F. Nazro, A. R. Little, J. S. Bent, F. R. Dickinson, D. Nibs.

Amusement Committee--P. L. Coonley, R. Abererombie, L. T. Brown.

Special Committee--M. Hale.

The College office will give permission to all Seniors to leave Cambridge tomorrow. If the day is unpleasant, however, notices will be posted postponing the picnic to next week, and men will be expected to attend their Saturday lectures
