
Pen and Brush Club Competitions

The prizes for the last open finished drawing competition, under the auspices of the Pen and Brush Club, have been awarded as follows: first prize of $5, S. C. Smith '03; second prize of $3, H. D. Grinnell '03; third prize of $2, R. W. Varney '04. The subject for competition was a fountain with electric light pole, to be situated in a city square.

Tomorrow night the Pen and Brush Club will hold its last sketch competition of the year, open only to members of the club.

At the last meeting of the club the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, E. B. Van Winkle '03; vice-president, L. Bullard '05; treasurer, H. E. Warren '04; secretary, F. H. Haskell '05; librarian, C. M. Harrington '05.
