
Natural History Excursion.

The third of the series of excursions held under the auspices of the Natural History Society will be taken tomorrow, led by Mr. LaForge. The party will go to Lynn by train, and the start of the walk will be at Wyoma Lake. The route will be through the Lynn woods, a wild and rocky park reservation, to South Lynnfield, thence along the marshes bordering the Saugus River to Montrose. Here a side trip toward Lynnfield Centre will be taken to examine a remarkable glacial esker, and from that point the walk will continue past Lake Quannapowitt to Reading. The return from Reading will be by electric car through Arlington.

The excursion will pass through a country of considerable interest to botanists and ornithologists, as well as one in which there are many interesting subjects of geology, both bedrock and glacial. The region is one also of great scenic beauty, and there will be many opportunities for photography.
